Surya Namaskar or Sun Salutation is a set of 12 poses of surya namaskar as mentioned below.
1. Ardhachakrasana 2. Padhasthasana
3. Ashwasanchalasana 4. Dhadasana
5. Shasangasana 6. Astangasana
7. Bhujangasana 8. Parvathasana
9. Shasangasana 10. Ashwasanchalasana
11. Padhasthasana 12. Ardhachakrasana
These asanas provides a comprehensive workout, stimulates the organs, brings suppleness to the spine and tones every part of the body.
Usually 12 rounds of Sun Salutation are performed. Surya Namaskar integrates the body, mind and breath. Only 35 to 40% of our muscles are used in daily activities.
Through these Surya Namaskar steps, almost 95% of our muscles are switched on to an active mode. Besides good health, Surya Namaskar is a basis for getting in touch with the nature around us and expressing gratitude.
Another aspect of Surya Namaskar is that it takes only 15 minutes to practice every day. For those hard pressed for time, it is a tool for well being. Patanjalee Shyambhai Yoga offers Surya namaskar classes in Chennai with the 12 mantras.
It is a secular practice that brings good health and the blessings due to its attitude of gratitude and harnessing the energy of the sun.