Online Yoga Classes For Migraine/Headache

Online Yoga Classes For Migraine/Headache

Online Yoga Classes For Migraine

Patanjalee Shyambhai Yoga provides tailored online yoga therapy for migraines based on the severity, triggers, and fundamental causes. A migraine is a type of headache characterized by intense discomfort, throbbing, or pulsing feelings on one side of the head. Other symptoms including nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to sound and light are frequently present along with migraines.

Our migraine yoga classes are aimed for prolonged improvement and complete migraine prevention rather than just treating the symptoms. Our Guruji Shyamsunder Biyani provides personalized yoga therapy for migraine, including various yoga asanas, kriyas, pranayama, bandhas, meditation, and yogic diet, aimed at preventing and relieving Migraine.

Our therapist profile

Shyamsunder Biyani – Senior Therapist
30 years of experience in practicing Yoga
Trained under Magan Vasavraj who has Lead Trainer and have experience of 40 years in Yoga.
Seasoned Practitioner & have trained more than 1000+ students


For an appointment, you can call us in +91 892 812 6174.

Why Our Migraine / Headache Yoga Classes?

Why Our Migraine / Headache Yoga Classes?

Migraine affects people of all ages. There are also several causes of migraine, including problems with the blood vessels, nerves, and vascular system, heredity, and hormone imbalances, particularly serotonin. Any headache or migraine yoga class should address not just the cause of the migraine but also the accompanying disturbances and the triggering components.

A migraine can persist from a few hours to many days once it starts. Certain foods, delayed or skipped meals, alcohol, certain medications, stress, inadequate sleep, strong light, and a flickering screen can all cause a headache or migraine. Patanjalee Shyambhai Institute of Yoga & Therapy provides the best headache/Migraine yoga classes by taking all of these triggers and causes into account. As a result, you will receive more detailed guidance on how to avoid and treat migraines/headaches.

Patanjalee Shyambhai Yoga offers live online yoga classes to people all around the world. The classes we offer are entirely live, with personalized yoga practices tailored to specific conditions or needs.

Patanjalee Shyambhai Yoga offers the best yoga therapy for migraines, neck pain, back pain , knee pain, sinus, obesity, and sleep apnea.

Online Yoga Therapy Classes For Migraine / Headache Relief

Yoga therapy can be quite useful in treating migraine symptoms. Some fundamental yoga poses for migraine relief are Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward-Facing Dog Pose), Ardha Halasana (Half Plough Pose), Ashawashachalanasana (Seated Forward Bend), Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose), Dhanurasana (Bow Pose), and Hastapadasana (Standing Forward Bend). When practiced regularly, such poses are capable of reducing stress, enhancing blood circulation, and inducing relaxation, which is beneficial to people with migraines.

Yoga therapy for migraine and headache relief extends beyond physical postures, adding mindfulness and stress-management strategies. Participants learn to create greater awareness of their physical being and minds, allowing them to handle stresses more successfully in their everyday lives.

By integrating yoga therapy into your daily routine, you may experience relief from acute symptoms and a gradual shift towards a more balanced and resilient state of well-being. Our online yoga classes provide you with the tools and techniques to manage your migraines and headaches over the long term, enabling you to take a proactive role in improving your well-being.

Yoga Poses for Migraine

Why Yoga for Migraine/Headache Treatment?

Why Yoga for Migraine/Headache Treatment?

Yoga therapy is one of the best natural solutions for migraine. And it is less expensive as well.

Yoga therapy can cure as well as prevent the migraine from occurring when practiced regularly.

As there is no oral intake, yoga therapy for migraine causes no unwanted side effects.

Migraine causes tremendous stress and vice versa. Both migraine and stress can be relieved with our unique yoga therapy. 

As our yoga therapy relieves your stress and migraine, you will get very deep sleep.


Contact Us

Contact Us


Patanjalee Shyambhai Inst of Yoga & Therapy
A1003, Sanghvi S3 Eco City,

Mahajan Wadi,
Mira Road East Thane - 401107

Email Address

Business Hours

Monday/Friday: 5am to 7pm
Saturday: 9am to 5.30pm
Sunday: Holiday or with prior appointments

Call us now to book your slot

+91 892 812 6174